G-Cloud 13 Award

  • Wednesday, Sep 7, 2022

We are delighted to announce that BlackDackel have been named as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s G-Cloud 13 agreement, providing our BlackDackel Costing and Pricing solution under the “Cloud Software” lot.

What is G-Cloud 13?

Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services.

G-Cloud 13 is an agreement between the government and suppliers of cloud services. Suppliers listed on G-Cloud 13 are government-assessed and deliver their cloud services with standardised terms and conditions. A digital marketplace is provided to public sector organisations to provide access to approved suppliers and facilitate the procurement of the listed solutions with ease, speed and confidence.

In 2019/20, Crown Commercial Service helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits worth over £1bn - supporting world-class public services that offer best value for taxpayers.

Benefits for Buyers

Cost and time savings

Suppliers and services are accessible through a front-end catalogue called the Digital Marketplace. Buyers search the Marketplace for capable services, shortlist the most relevant ones, and evaluate shortlisted services based on price or MEAT criteria. Once services have been evaluated and the most economically advantageous solution to meet the requirements has been ascertained, the buyer awards a so-called Call-Off Contract to the selected supplier in accordance with the framework regulations and guidance.

Direct Award

When procuring cloud software through G-Cloud, public institutions directly award to the supplier that best meets their needs, avoiding the need issue a tender while maintaining compliance with procurement regulations.

Standard basis for IT procurement

G-Cloud has been set up to provide a standard basis for IT procurement, with pre-agreed terms and conditions offering contractual safeguards and increased transparency.